[Labs-l] Bots: pywikipedia rewrite repository?

Russell Blau russblau at imapmail.org
Thu Jan 10 19:10:54 UTC 2013

Hello, all.  Poking around a little, I see that there are two copies of
the pywikipedia rewrite branch available for bots instances --


I seem to recall legoktm stating recently that they use a modified
version of the pywiki framework, but I don't know whether the
DrTrigonBot version is modified or not.

Would it make sense to set up a central repository, not specific to any
bot, that would keep an updated copy of the standard framework?  This
could be, for example, at data/project/pywikipediabot/rewrite/...

  Russell Blau
  russblau at imapmail.org

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