[Labs-admin] Ops meeting and Clinic duty update 6/12

Chase Pettet cpettet at wikimedia.org
Mon Jun 12 19:46:10 UTC 2017

Nice update, your clinic duty update wins over mine.

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Madhumitha Viswanathan <
mviswanathan at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Our meeting etherpad - https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WMCS-2017-06-13
> Ops meeting etherpad - https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/TechOps-2017-06-12
> Ops goals etherpad - https://etherpad.wikimedia.
> org/p/TechOps-goals-FQ1-FY1718
> Ops meeting today was centered around Q1 2017 goals. The etherpad has all
> the details, these are the things that came in contact with our team (Bryan
> did most of the talking)
> 1. Salt deprecation goal - Ricardo is going to try and work on having
> cumin work for labs as well this quarter. Faidon requested some support
> from us in helping him figure out how to use the Openstack API and such to
> make it a bit easier on them, Bryan agreed.
> 2. Turning on future parser for puppet 3.8 - It seems like their goal here
> will just be to raise awareness this quarter about breaking parser changes,
> and do the actual switch only next quarter or so. There were talks about
> having the puppet compiler warn where parser uses are deprecated per the
> future parser. For us they said this means over the next few things, they
> are going to be making puppet changes, that could break things for us, and
> Dzahn raised that we don't have the watroles tool now which makes it hard
> for him to see what he may be breaking when he changes a role. Bryan seemed
> to think so too, and we should talk about may be getting that tool built
> sooner than later.
> 3. Phasing out trusty - I don't think this is going to be a goal, but
> seemed reporting on remaining trusty instances is going to be an ops
> meeting thing from now on. Mark/Ricardo mentioned the labsdb boxes, and
> Bryan said we are down with deprecating them and working on the new servers
> when the DBAs give us the green light on all the data being imported to the
> new Public Wiki Replicas (is what i'm going to call labsdb) databases.
> Clinic duty update:
> - Noticed that no one really uses !help on pings the oncall person, so a
> lot of times you're the frontline person only if you are constantly reading
> #wikimedia-cloud
> - Some complaining about the redirect causing a kick without explanation
> from the labs channel and the new name this week - Mostly pointed them to
> the list announcements and blog, and the renaming discussion
> - Saw from the Tools grafana board that 3 lighttpd instances were
> reporting disk space critical on /tmp - followed up and learnt that
> wsexport was generating loads of temp files. Commented here -
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T166337, and cleaned the instances up
> - Similar disk space alert on tools-bastion-03 - https://phabricator.
> wikimedia.org/T167542 due to tool bothasava writing too many cache files
> in bastion /tmp. They've moved it to NFS now in /data/project - not sure
> that's the best of ideas - will follow up on the ticket.
> --
> Madhu :)
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Chase Pettet
chasemp on phabricator <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/p/chasemp/> and
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