[Labs-admin] help test the new Labs puppetmaster

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Mon Jul 31 15:57:44 UTC 2017

I have a couple of new puppetmasters that seem to be working OK. They're 
built with different base classes (resembling the prod puppetmasters 
with load-balancing) and they also have a cherry-picked patch that 
changes how $::labsproject is determined.

To switch a host to the new puppetmaster, do this:

# grep 'server = labs-puppetmaster-eqiad.wikimedia.org' 
/etc/puppet/puppet.conf && sed -i 
/etc/puppet/puppet.conf && rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl &&  puppet agent 
--onetime --verbose --no-daemonize --no-splay --show_diff 
--waitforcert=10 —certname=`hostname -f` 

Please give this a try with some of your less-favorite instances and let 
me know how things go.  The new puppetmaster should be sticky -- once 
you switch over it will keep you on that master ever after.

Thanks!  This is:  https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T171786

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