[Labs-admin] Puppet config on wikitech for tools and deployment-prep

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Tue Jul 18 15:42:36 UTC 2017

Periodically I get questions along the lines of "I've looked on every 
page in Horizon and just can't figure out where this hiera value is 
getting set."  The answer is usually "that setting is from the wikitech 
project config."

The main (maybe only) users of wikitech project config are tools and 
deployment prep:



I would like to simplify and abolish those pages and move puppet config 
entirely to Horizon.  I'm open to being convinced otherwise, though.  
I've opened an RFC ticket here:


Please add comments (or amend the description with your own pros and 
cons) if you care.  If nobody cares then I will probably kill off 
wikitech puppet config, but even then I could use some help with 
sensible transfer of those settings to the Horizon UI.



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