[Labs-admin] Ops meeting summary

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Mon Nov 14 18:57:02 UTC 2016


Most of the meeting was devoted to introductions with Victoria -- she 
expressed an intent to not shake things up with Ops, and offered to meet 
with anyone who wants to.

There's no clear take-away yet from the on-wiki hacks over the weekend, 
other than the supposed 'white hat' hackers proving themselves either 
jerks or liars.

Nothing much has happened with Labs DBs -- blockers are mostly Chris 
being on vacation and other procurement things. Proxysql vs. haproxy is 
still in discussion but it sounds like haproxy is the likely winner.

Giuseppe wants to talk about using puppet DB for Labs, but we didn't 
talk about any specifics.


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