Sem assunto

Fri Sep 2 16:33:14 UTC 2011

they will never stop. So - in my case - ignore it works.

... but I - in your place - would remove the Userbox from the page, just in
*B=E9ria Lima*
Wikimedia Portugal <>
(351) 963 953 042

*Imagine um mundo onde =E9 dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter
livre acesso ao somat=F3rio de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
construir esse sonho. <>*

On 13 November 2011 20:41, Christine Meyer <christinewmeyer>wrote=

> I've heard about this kind of thing happening to other women in Wikipedia=
> but this is the first time this has ever happened to me personally.  A fe=
> weeks ago, I got a phone call from a guy who said he wanted to talk to me
> about what it was like being the parent of children with special needs.  =
> also said that he got my number from my church, so I told him that I was
> busy at the moment (which I was) and that he could call me back later.
> Yesterday afternoon, he called me back.  I asked him where he got my
> number and how he found out about my parenting status.  He said that he
> read what I had written on Wikipedia about my children, and that he wante=
> to talk to me about it because he was also developmentally disabled and h=
> some "syndrome" that I didn't recognize.  (It wasn't Asberger's, I don't
> think.)  He also said that he had gotten my number from "some church
> thing," and that they had confirmed my phone number.
> I told him that it was very inappropriate for him to call me, and he said=
> "Well, you said I could call you back!"  I answered that I was in the
> middle of something the first time he called me, repeated how inappropria=
> he was being, and that I wasn't willing to speak with him over the phone.
> He said, "You said all that on Wikipedia," and I said that I didn't have =
> phone number there, to which he responded, "But your email address is
> there," and I said he could email me but calling me was again,
> inappropriate, and we hung up.
> Like I said, it was the first time something like this has happened, even
> after more than four years of active participation in WP.  It's somewhat
> disconcerting to me.  When I think about it, this guy had to actively hun=
> down my phone number.  He looked at my userpage, which has infoboxes
> stating that I'm a parent of two children with developmental disabilities=
> that I live in a small town in Idaho, and that I'm Catholic.  (This makes
> me want to remove those infoboxes.)  He actually went to the trouble of
> calling one of the the two Catholic churches in my town and confirm my
> number with them, which they did quite honestly because I'm on a church
> committee and active in the community.  Freaky, huh?
> I know that you need to tell people when something like this happens,
> especially people in your life.  (I haven't been able to tell my husband
> about it yet; he's been working all weekend and we're coming off of a
> particularly stressful family situation.)  So that's what I'm doing now. =
> can totally see why so many women don't identify their gender on WP now.
> I'd also like to get some advice from the members of this list, and to se=
> if anyone else has had a similar experience and what they did about it.
> Thanks,
> Christine
> --
> Christine W. Meyer
> User: Figureskatingfan
> christinewmeyer
> _______________________________________________
> Gendergap mailing list
> Gendergap

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<font face=3D"arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Cristina,<br><br>I will not try t=
o give you any advice on this. But what I do in those cases (I already rece=
ived lots of threaning e-mails and some phone calls - also several wiki-att=
acks) and basically what I do is inform the ISP (in case when I know the IP=
 adress) or block any call from that number (in case of phone calls). And b=
asically ignore it.<br>
<br>From my experience in, as long as you give them much attention,=
 they will never stop. So - in my case - ignore it works.<br><br>... but I =
- in your place - would remove the Userbox from the page, just in case.<br =
</font>_____<br><font style=3D"font-family:georgia,serif" size=3D"2"><i>B=
=E9ria Lima</i></font><br><a href=3D"" target=3D"_blank"=
>Wikimedia Portugal</a><br>
(351) 963 953 042<br>

<br><i style=3D"color:rgb(153,153,153)">Imagine um mundo onde =E9 dada a qu=
alquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somat=F3rio de todo o =
conhecimento humano. <a href=3D"" target=3D"_b=
lank"><font color=3D"#333333">Ajude-nos a construir esse sonho.</font></a><=

<br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On 13 November 2011 20:41, Christine Mey=
er <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:christinewmeyer">chris=
tinewmeyer</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class=3D"gmail_qu=
ote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex=
<div>I&#39;ve heard about this kind of thing happening to other women in Wi=
kipedia, but this is the first time this has ever happened to me personally=
.=A0 A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from a guy who said he wanted to t=
alk to me about what it was like being the parent of children with special =
needs.=A0 He also said that he got my number from my church, so I told him =
that I was busy at the moment (which I was) and that he could call me back =

<div>=A0</div><div>Yesterday afternoon, he called me back.=A0 I asked him w=
here he got my number and how he found out about my parenting status.=A0 He=
 said that he read what I had written on Wikipedia about my children, and t=
hat he wanted to talk to me about it because he was also developmentally di=
sabled and had some &quot;syndrome&quot; that I didn&#39;t recognize.=A0 (I=
t wasn&#39;t Asberger&#39;s, I don&#39;t think.)=A0 He also said that he ha=
d gotten my number from &quot;some church thing,&quot; and that they had co=
nfirmed my phone number.=A0 </div>

<div>=A0</div><div>I told him that it was very inappropriate for him to cal=
l me, and he said, &quot;Well, you said I could call you back!&quot;=A0 I a=
nswered that I was in the middle of something the first time he called me, =
repeated how inappropriate he was being, and that I wasn&#39;t willing to s=
peak with him over the phone.=A0 He said, &quot;You said all that on Wikipe=
dia,&quot; and I said that I didn&#39;t have my phone number there, to whic=
h he responded, &quot;But your email address is there,&quot; and I said he =
could email me but calling me was again, inappropriate, and we hung up.</di=

<div>=A0</div><div>Like I said, it was the first time something like this h=
as happened, even after more than four years of active participation in WP.=
=A0 It&#39;s somewhat disconcerting to me.=A0 When I think about it, this g=
uy had to actively=A0hunt down my phone number.=A0 He looked at my userpage=
, which has infoboxes stating that I&#39;m a parent of two children with de=
velopmental disabilities, that I live in a small town in Idaho, and that I&=
#39;m Catholic.=A0 (This makes me want to remove those infoboxes.)=A0 He ac=
tually went to the trouble of calling one of the the two Catholic churches =
in my town and confirm my number with them, which they did quite honestly b=
ecause I&#39;m on a church committee and active in the community.=A0 Freaky=
, huh?</div>

<div>=A0</div><div>I know that you need to tell people when something like =
this happens, especially people in your life.=A0 (I haven&#39;t been able t=
o tell my husband about it yet; he&#39;s been working all weekend and we&#3=
9;re coming off of a particularly stressful family situation.)=A0 So that&#=
39;s what I&#39;m doing now.=A0 I can totally see why so many women don&#39=
;t identify their gender on WP now.=A0 I&#39;d also like to get some advice=
 from the members of this list, and to see if anyone else has had a similar=
 experience and what they did about it.</div>

<div><br clear=3D"all">Thanks,<br>Christine<br>--<br>Christine W. Meyer</di=
v><div>User: Figureskatingfan<br><a href=3D"mailto:christinewmeyer
m" target=3D"_blank">christinewmeyer</a><br><br>
Gendergap mailing list<br>
<a href=3D"mailto:Gendergap">Gendergap  lists.wikimedia.=
<a href=3D"" target=


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