[Gendergap] Please help - female faces for fundraiser in UK

Chris Keating chriskeatingwiki at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 12:58:18 UTC 2011


Just a quick favour to ask any women on this list who are based in, or have
links to, the UK

I'm leading Wikimedia UK's participation in the fundraiser and am keen to
make sure we have fundraising banners which aren't just men, men and more
men. There are various appeals produced by the Foundation featuring people
like Sue, Maryana and Sarah, but some of these are too specific to the USA
or to the Foundation.

So please give me a shout if you're a British (or even vaguely British ;-)
) woman happy to talk about why Wikipedia is so cool, or if you know
someone who might fit the bill. I currently have a very short (but
non-zero) list of people to follow up so any help much appreciated. :-)

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