[Gendergap] Proposal: Forking gendergap: Main list for women and transgender, sublist for male supporters

Nepenthe topazbutterfly at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 21:18:14 UTC 2011

Unless Erik has alter egos posting here, I didn't have any problems with *
his* comments. I find the idea that men and women are automatically equal
participants on a list like this a bit naive, but it's not offensive.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 4:04 PM, George Herbert <george.herbert at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Laura Hale <laura at fanhistory.com> wrote:
> >[...]
> > Erik's comment made me feel decidedly uncomfortable.  On a list dedicated
> to
> > helping increase the female participation rates on Wikipedia, Erik
> basically
> women's
> > communities and I posted Erik's comment (and comments of other male
> posters)
> > with the context of these comments being said on a list dedicated to
> > increasing female participation rates...
> >
> > ... well, you'd potentially have a mob involved.  This effort?  It would
> > appear extremely sexist.  (The large male involvement, the defensiveness
> of
> > men regaridng their participation contribute to this image.)  That these
> > sexist comments are coming from the Deputy Director of WMF?  It makes
> this
> > worst because it is sexism coming from inside the institution.
> >
> > If you and Erik want to belong, that's great.  It should be purely in
> > support roles: Women say they are doing this project and need help.  WMF
> > officials step in and say we can help this way.  If this was the general
> > mode of male participation on the list, of specific support offered in
> > response to specific requests, male involvement would be less
> problematic.
> I would like to hear more from other women here on your impressions of
> and responses to Erik's comments.
> --
> -george william herbert
> george.herbert at gmail.com
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