[Gendergap] Looking for documentation regarding wiki uses by ....

Florence Devouard anthere at anthere.org
Tue Mar 15 09:28:52 UTC 2011

Hi guys

I apology if the issue has already been covered (I do not follow the 
list with 100% attention).
I am looking for *any* study, stats, reports, which would have been made 
in the past or is ongoing regarding the use of Wikimedia projects and/or 
the use of Wiki software generally, by specific groups of people such as:
* women
* poorly educated people
* people with mental disabilities
* people with physical disabilities
* people living in poor suburbs in "so-called rich" countries
* people deeply socially disconnected

In particular with regards to how Wikimedia projects or the use of wiki 
software/concept might have improved their situation (better integration 
in society for example).

Any little bit might help. Do not hesitate to contact me privately if it 
is not a feedback directly in the scope of this list.

Thanks in advance

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