[Gendergap] Men v Women

Collective Action collective_action at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 1 06:35:08 UTC 2011

I'd like to draw attention to my recent blog post for Women4Wikiepdia.net titled Men v Women at http://women4wikipedia.blogspot.com/

"If we are going to call men out on their behaviour as agents of the 
patriarchy then we must also call out ourselves. Men are no less 
influenced and controlled by patriarchal culture, traditions and systems
 as are women. I would go so far as to say that it is unrealistic of us 
to expect men to free themselves of the rewards and punishments of 
patriarchy when we as women find it so difficult not to play along, 
enjoy the rewards and participate in the same punishments."

There is also a forum for women linked to the campaign home page at http://women4wikipedia.net


Rosie Williams



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