[Gendergap] Women's issues noticeboard

Birgitte SB birgitte_sb at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 23 03:02:54 UTC 2011

>From: Steven Walling <swalling at wikimedia.org>
>To: fredbaud at fairpoint.net; Increasing female participation in Wikimedia 
>projects <gendergap at lists.wikimedia.org>
>Sent: Tue, February 22, 2011 12:52:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Women's issues noticeboard
>On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Fred Bauder <fredbaud at fairpoint.net> wrote:
>> Given the demographic imbalance in our community, and the resultant risk
>>> of systemic bias in our editorial decisions, it might make sense to
>>> create a Women's issues noticeboard in en:WP and other Wikipedias, where
>>> related matters can be brought up for review.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Andreas
>>Please create it and inform everyone.
>Noticeboards are huge magnets for drama. 
>There are longtime English Wikipedia editors already starting to grumble about 
>this effort. If we're going to make progress by bringing the community along 
>with this, rather than having them fight us, we should try to minimize the 
>potential for drama, especially of the accusatory kind that gets performed on 
>incident noticeboards.
>I would suggest we not create not a noticeboard for this issue specifically. 
>Noticeboards are the only way I am aware of for handling systematic problems in 
>any sort of regular fashion.  I would suggest that is systematic problems that 
>are magnets for drama, not the fact that someone creates space name "Foo 
>Noticeboard".  And frankly drama is primarily caused by ego and speed. While we 
>can hardly banish people who are controlled by their egos, we can make an effort 
>to take things slowly.  Make certain to get the full history of an issue is 
>collected before posting personal judgments. Don't assume anyone who is brought 
>to the noticeboard has any understanding of why women's issues are a systematic 
>problem on Wikipedia.  Focus on educating people and bringing their level of 
>understanding up to speed rather than just condemning their thoughtless errors. 
>That might cut the drama by half.  

Of course, not allowing any space for the people who understand these concerns 
as a systematic issue to be available to review the everyday sorts of decisions 
that are made on an case-by-case basis without any particular context would be 
even less drama.  But the goal of this whole effort, or even en.WP in 
particular, is not "avoid drama at all costs".  The goal of Wikipedia is to 
create a free, neutral, verifiable encyclopedia. Drama is inevitable, the best 
we can strive for is that the drama is as cost-effective as possible.

I don't understand how you imagine the wikis will actually work on any kind of 
systematic problem without these kinds of spaces. 

Birgitte SB

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