[Gendergap] Women4Wikipedia

Hartmut "hase" Semken hase at hase.net
Fri Feb 18 19:08:50 UTC 2011

Am 18.02.11 14:09, schrieb Sandra:
> Well I find that statement a bit inappropriate for a gender gap list, considering that i find the problem quite serious. 
Indeed, it is.
And still: men do have the feeling that feminists are out for revenge
rather than equality.
This is not a statement to discredit feminism as you want to make it, it
is a descripion of a very common feeling.

The problem is very simple: feelings are not about facts - or rarely are.
Whether a feminist actually /is/ seeking revenge was not part of the
satement at all, btw.

Thank you for falling intot that trap so quickly.

I am involvedin the discussion in other places as well.
And I do have a few frieds that are like me: hetero males that are
feminists; or at least something very close to that: "equalitists" maybe.
And in the vicinity of this group exists quite a few men that are scared
shitless by women in general.
They "make up" for this with all kinds of behaviour: machismo,
chauvinism and so on.

The ideal of equality is currently under much stress.
Older, mostly patriachic ideals are re-surfacing, at least here in Germany.
Interestingly, many young women find the "wife and mother" lifestyle
very appealing again and seem to be more than willing to trade
submissivness for security.

What a step back that is...

Still, I feel pity for the guy that made me respond: him being scared of
a vision of 85% editors of wikipedia being female can only create that
reaction in me.

If you find that inappropriate as you said: sorry, I can not help that
at all.


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