[Gendergap] Hardcore images essay - HELP!

Steven Walling swalling at wikimedia.org
Thu Feb 17 21:22:10 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:10 PM, Sydney Poore <sydney.poore at gmail.com>wrote:

> Can you give an example of what you are considering when you want to give a
> sexually explicit image preference out of necessity.
> For example if the only image uploaded of a United States State Park was a
> nude female laying on a blanket in tent and masturbating in the the state
> park, would you say that it should be included so we have an image of the
> State Park?
> Sydney
I think it's valuable that we seem to have reached consensus that sexualized
media is one factor in this whole effort to attract and retain women

But rather than continuing a general discussion about what degree of sexual
content is okay, how about we take what we've discussed and add it to a list
of issues that affect the gender gap? I just want to make sure we stay
focused on welcoming women editors here, rather than on controversial
content at large.

Steven Walling
Fellow at Wikimedia Foundation
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