[Gendergap] Moderation?

Susan Spencer susan.spencer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 22:14:47 UTC 2011

I agree with Sandy.

The % of Wikipedia editors who are women
is a completely different subject than

I am a feminist.
I am also inclined to be efficient.

A month to call for Women editors
without mentioning any specific
topic will encourage women to
contribute on any and every topic,
which is the goal.

When the efforts to increase
women's participation is combined
with women's history,
pornography, language issues,
etc. the message gets
watered down and changes.
The emphasis becomes the topics
to be edited PLUS
the gender of the editor.
So since I am not an expert
on feminist studies, I would
not be more inclined to post.

Do not try to address everything
at the same time.  You will
not get the results you want.

The separate threads so far
encountered on this list:

1.) updating and increasing entries
about women's history

2.) updating and increasing entries
about feminist issues

3.) correcting existing entries that
are offensive to most persons,
not just women, and review/edit
information, pictures, or drawings
that exploit women,
regardless of the the gender of
who posted them

4.) ease of use of the Wikipedia

5.) gender and Manga child sexiness
of the Wikipedia mascot

6.) gender differences in languages
which are reflected in the Wikipedia
interface for that language

7.) gathering empirical data to
further guide our understanding
of the Wikipedia gender gap,
and to monitor any improvements
in this gap as a result of the
different campaigns to
reduce the Wikipedia gender gap
so that we know what is working
and what is not.

Let's do what the experts do:
Separate these topics into
different work groups and lists
so that progress can be made
on each.

These subjects all have sexism
as their root, but they are not
all solvable at once.
Define each, go after each.
You can't defeat a big
enormous blob.

BTW - I am currently preparing
my entries for the Wikipedia.
I do not wish to be merely
a commentator, I plan on
becoming a participant.
I'll let you know how that
works out.

- Susan Spencer Conklin

> Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 15:33:35 +0000
> From: Sandra ordonez <sandratordonez at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Gendergap] Moderation?


> I didn't join this list because I'm confused of why sexism in the world
> exists, nor did I join this list because I need a therapy outlet. I, like
> many women, joined this list because we want to focus on something
> practical
> - closing the gender gap on Wikipedia.


> Sandy
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