[Gendergap] WP in a growing process

patricia morales mariadelcarmenpatricia at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 15 11:15:58 UTC 2011

There is a story
in which a fisher believed that the fishes of his lake were always bigger than 20 cm. What he did not
realise is that his net for fishing did not allow to capture smaller animals. Comparing
this to WP, I want to point out that it can grow and be enriched by a more
active participation of more groups that can potentially give a lot of


objectives I would suggest:


promote women´s participation in the light of WP´s editing lines

make adequate and confortable space for woman, in which her self-identification
as female editor would be very welcome/stimulated

check the content of the WP in different topics and languages in order to meet
the shortage of articles on women´s issues and  have a policy of non-gender-discrimination
(use of language, photos, etc)

improve the quality of the dialogue in the editing process of WP

maximise efforts, collecting best practices and results


WP is
great! The identification of WP with a male-white-young profile took a role in
the media –partially true, historical evolution of WP-. It would be good to
explore strategies for compensating underrepresentation or unbalance not only
in the relation between female and male, but also between old and young; white-black-native-yellow-mix.ea.


The idea of
a WP café is very nice. My suggestion is to have this café (gender mix) with some
additional rules to be followed by every participant: to be more polite, to recognize
your mistakes, to be seriously constructive. 


There is a
historical gender-gap. However, this gap is diminishing progressively. WP would
like to contribute effectively to this process.


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