[Gendergap] A pet peeve / cliche

SlimVirgin slimvirgin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 08:59:10 UTC 2011

On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 01:55, Susan Spencer <susan.spencer at gmail.com> wrote:
> To have a serious response to the problem, let's have a
> 'Women Post to Wiki' month, and have a banner
> about it on every Wiki page during the month.  It validates that
> the world community accepts women as experts, and invites
> women to post who may have thought about it before, but didn't.
> I love that Google has different logos every day. Wiki
> can have a different logo for that month.
> - Susan Spencer Conklin
Susan, I think this is a great idea. International Women's Day is on March 8.

Could we organize a women's edit month/week around that?


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