[Gendergap] A study about women's preferences

Miguelinito miguelinito at gmail.com
Wed Feb 9 00:30:12 UTC 2011

Hello, people. I've found this Rethinker Manifest
which is based on a Spanish study of women's preferences and behaviour when
consuming. Maybe some of these guidelines could be useful. It's a Spanish study,
but I'm sure that it can be applied world-wide.

* Women represent the biggest emergent market in the planet,
   more than China and India together.
*  To achieve that 51% of the market which makes 80% of the
   purchasings, it's necessary to connect with woman and speak
   her own language, redoing all the strategies.
* The differences between a man and a woman in the way they
   are, feel and think are wide enough to be taken into
* Biologically, the woman's brain has specific gifts. She has
  a better emotional intelligence, more empathy, she manages
  the feelings better and has better speaking abilities.
* The change experienced by the figure of woman in the latest
  years has been drastic. Today's women have nothing to do with
  neither their mothers nor their grandmothers.
* The gender differences are to be recognized, utilized and
   enjoyed. Incorporating the female language into a spot does not
   mean to be separatists, but bilingual.
* Improving society and environment, aesthetic design, saving
  time, cooperation, collaboration and empathy are the main
  motivations and values of a woman.
* Men shop, women go shopping. When a female comsumer goes out to
  buy, she starts a journey based on communication, experiences and
* Women buy in spiral. Before making a decision, they ask, search
   for opinions and get information (hello, Ms. Gardner ;)). Their goal is to
   find the perfect answer, motivated by detail and planification.
 * The new generation of young women (15 to 24 years old) have grown
   in the Internet era. The digital female natives are not just consumers, they
   want a more active role and they introduce a distinct female
* With a majority of female users, the social networks have reinvented
  communication, turning it into an act of interchange, of sharing in
  community. The trademarks need to adapt to this new world.
*  It's more profitable for agencies and advertisers to build
  trademarks communication as appealing to women. Women must conceive
  the image of themselves given by publicity.
* Female consumers disconnect from commercials that don't represent
  women in a realistic and believable way. It's necessary to show women
  with more authentic perspectives, with which they can idenfity.
* There's a lack of fresh, daring and inspiring ideas in publicity
  about products oriented to the female public. Thus, women escape from
  publicity that tries to depict an emotion without really producing it,
  and they'd like to see more humor in commercials aimed to them.
* Men and women have different backgrounds and strategies. While men
  are lineal, women are multitasking and prefer to work at full speed.
  Men prioritize and women maximize.
* Women use to think that people are the most important and most
  interesting thing in every situation. Men prefer things and theorems.
* In a conversation, men compete and women connect searching for
  points in common.
* Better understanding a female consumer is the key to success for a
  product or service. With a woman in your clientele, you have a
  faithful ambassador for your trademark (hello again, Sue, I'm sure
  you know a bit about this ;)).


Miguel Angel

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