[Gendergap] Top 10 Reasons to Encourage More Women Participation in Wikipedia

Sandra ordonez sandratordonez at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 13:13:21 UTC 2011

Now that I've vented, I've been thinking of Delphine's original question(s)
regarding the why...this is what i came up with. *

1) Improve the quality of information.* Information is shaped by
perspective, regardless of how NPOV you aim to be, and perspective is shaped
by experience. When you experience the world in a certain perspective, you
see things that others don't see. A Chinese immigrant in the United States
may notice things that a American born may not see, just like it is very
likely that a female may notice things their male counterparts don't see.
2) Open doors to more groups*.The inclusion of women might have a domino
affect, and open doors for other groups, particularly those that are
traditionally dis-empowered, such as people of color in the United States.
(You can include whatever other group you want here..I can only speak to the
3) Improved processes and systems.* Collaboration is improved by diversity -
everyone in this group knows this. More female participation may result in
better collaborative brainstorming and problem solvin.

*4) Better organization.* Studies reveal that women tend to be great
multi-taskers. IMHO, women are great multitaskers because they also plan
their world to be more "efficient" for multitasking. I can totally see a
group of women helping improve the organization of Wikipedia's rules,
background knowledge, presentation, etc.

*5) Stronger community. *Reports are also showing that more women than men
are on social media. This is because women tend to focus on creating
community. A larger, more sophisticated Wikipedian community is so powerful,
I'm not even sure how to describe its potential in words. However, it would
have the ability to help the projects but bring change worldwide.

6) Better image. *Organizations that are ethical are usually favored and
respected by society, which increase's an org's success. I am not talking
"left vs right," and this is not a philosophical question, it is a public
relations one. Talk to any PR practioner and they can share why this works,
and examples of organizations taking this PR strategy.  And, at a minimum, I
can guarantee it will increase how many women worldwide see the project,
which btw are 50% of the world's population.

*7) Better parties and possibly more Wikilove!* As corny as it sounds, I am
quite positive that more women will improve the festivities in any wiki get
together, and possibly result in more wikilove :) lolol Why not!! What a
perfect place to meet someone that shares your interest, and better parties
are usually always welcomed.

*8) A better world society.* Wikipedia has this ability to affect the world
and start revolutions in what seems to be very silent but effective ways. I
really believe that the inclusion of women will have amazing revolutionary
affects on the world, and make it better. Channeling Jeff Bridges,
"information is really power, man." And maybe we have come to take for
granted that the world is informed/educated through wikipedia on a daily
basis. This has an effect.

*9) Its the right thing to do.* Wikipedia has always gone against the grain,
even though at times it ruffled society's feathers b/c transparency in
knowledge sharing is more important than the agenda of any group. Its part
of the free culture movement, dedicated to empowering people worldwide, and
has done much in that area. Why wouldn't it come together now to improve on
this systematic problem that affects not only the project, but humans at
10) Who else is going to do it? *No one has the ability to look and tackle
this complex issue like Wikipedian community. No other community has the
strength in numbers, intellect, and structure to address an issue like this.
I guarantee that other groups will embrace any solutions the community
finds, b/c its not Wikipedia is not only a pioneer, but its a
"best-in-breed" virtual project that comes up with "best-in-breed"

Sandra Ordonez
Web Astronaut

"Helping you rock out in the virtual world."

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