[Gendergap] New WikiProject: Women's History

Sage Ross sross at wikimedia.org
Tue Feb 8 00:14:57 UTC 2011

A colleague of mine from the history world drew my attention to a blog
dialog that has led to a new WikiProject for Women's History (on
English Wikipedia):

Here's the trail:
January 31: http://cliotropic.org/blog/2011/01/wikipedia-and-womens-history/
Febuary 4: http://hmprescott.wordpress.com/2011/02/04/how-womens-historians-can-help-close-the-wikipedia-gender-gap/
February 4 (2):
February 5: http://hmprescott.wordpress.com/2011/02/05/womens-history-and-wikipedia-part-ii-wikiproject-womens-history/

Worth reading, and some interesting comments as well.

What's really encouraging to me is that, with this wave of attention
on Wikipedia's gender gap, a lot of people who haven't contributed
before are taking an interest.  People are treating it not so much as
Wikipedia's problem, but as everyone's problem... and responding with
"let's do something about it."


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