[Gendergap] I'm fed up - was Re: article differentials/unnecessary drama

Sarah Stierch sarah.stierch at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 19:33:30 UTC 2011

On 12/26/11 11:29 AM, Florence wrote:
> Sarah.... Seriously.... When it comes to bullying... There are several 
> options as to how to answer it.
> One is blahblahblah. It takes your time, it takes our time, it takes 
> its toll on the environment, and is bad on your health :)

But blahblahblahblah is one of my specialties! ;-)

> When there is no bodily harm involved, I'd say to do just as with 
> trolling. Let it go. Do not answer. Do as if it did not exist. Have a 
> drink and forget about it. Do not escalate. Close your mind.
> Do us the favor of thinking us able to filter out what is ridiculous 
> and non sense from what is relevant and meaningful criticism. Beria is 
> capable of both. Take the second and shut your mind from the first as 
> most of us learnt to do ;)

I always get a ton of emails asking me to ignore these things. But, I 
just get so freaking fed up and I feel like I'm going to explode; and 
then private ranty emails can only go so far..and then...BOOM!!!

Perhaps I should take up boxing. Or just drink more. ;-) Maybe both. 
Thanks Flo!!


*Sarah Stierch*
*/Wikimedia Foundation Community Fellow/*
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