[Gendergap] Awesomeness: The amount of female volunteer leadership in the Wikimedia Movement

Béria Lima beria.lima at wikimedia.pt
Tue Dec 20 21:35:08 UTC 2011

well, the more info the best.

So put everything in Federico :) Info is never too much :)
*Béria Lima*
Wikimedia Portugal <http://wikimedia.pt>
(351) 963 953 042

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livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a
construir esse sonho. <http://wikimedia.pt/Donativos>*

On 20 December 2011 21:29, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki  gmail.com> wrote:

> Laura Hale, 20/12/2011 22:02:
> > If you have the time and knowledge, it would be fantastic if you could
> > help fill in the details about your own county: What are historical
> > membership totals in your home chapter?  What has the historical female
> > presence on your chapter's board been?
> What do you want to know, exactly? Average ratio of female founders,
> members and board members and female board members roles, across all years?
> Nemo
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