[Foundation-l] Resolution:Developing Scenarios for future of fundraising

Pronoein pronoein at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 11:48:53 UTC 2012

Le 18/01/2012 05:25, Ting Chen a écrit :
> Hello dear community,
> the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation passed the following 
> resolution with seven approves and three abstains:
> [...]
> * Minimal cost and minimal disruption. All Wikimedia fundraising 
> activities must aim to raise the maximum possible amount of money from 
> donors while minimizing administrative costs as much as possible (in 
> order to reserve the largest amount of money possible for programmatic 
> activity), while causing minimal disruption and annoyance for users of 
> the projects.

Why does the Board of Trustees think that WMF should raise the «maximum
possible amount of money»?
Why not ask for what is needed and nothing more?

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