[Foundation-l] Fwd: Wikimedia India Program Trust

Anirudh Bhati anirudhsbh at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 15:09:34 UTC 2011

My personal opinion, and I only speak for myself and not the Chapter or the
Foundation (I wouldn't dare!).

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Lodewijk <lodewijk at effeietsanders.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> thanks a lot all for exmplaining the differences. I would be very much
> interested to know more about the ''relationship'' between the trust and
> Wikimedia India. You seem to suggest that trustees get appointed by (or on
> the advice of - not sure of the legal wording) the WMF - but will Wikimedia
> India be involved in that too? Since they are the chapter in that country I
> could imagine them to have a say in it.

Nope.  Up until now WMIN has not received any say either with the India
Education Programs design and implementation or the structuring of the
Wikimedia India Program Trust.  And given that not many people are going to
talk about it, I don't think much will change in the future.

> How closely will this trust and the chapter work together? You mention that
> there is communication etc - but is cooperation likely to become the
> default or the exception?

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