[Foundation-l] Fwd: wikiEducation: The Classroom Wikipedia

Keegan Peterzell keegan.wiki at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 03:23:42 UTC 2011

Fantastic idea.  One I'd really like to see put to fruition.  I know as a
kid I would have taken to the idea immediately.

However, considering this is the WMF discussion list, I don't think it's a
feasible project for the the WMF.  The Foundation hosts sites that are
volunteer community generated and maintained.  Such a project would require
a full time staff for governance of the community and its relations.
 Imagine a world in which the sum of all human knowledge is trapped in an
edit war between fifth graders.  School age is the relavent age for learning
social skills; based on what I've seen from online communities in my fifteen
years online I'd rather not subject a preteen to a project that wasn't
maintained by a professional staff.  WikiEducation would need that.  My wish
is that Mr. Franklin can find a nice benefactor to set up such a non-profit.
 I'd go to work for them in a heartbeat.



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