[Foundation-l] Plea for candidates: WMF Movement Communications Manager

Quim Gil quim.gil at nokia.com
Fri Apr 15 20:34:13 UTC 2011

To put things in perspective...

On Fri, 2011-04-15 at 12:42 -0600, ext Fred Bauder wrote:
> However it is hard to imagine an ideal second language that is not
> European; only Arabic is spoken by a large diverse population with
> internet access.

Already in 2009 China had more Internet users than USA had citizens. It
is considered that nowadays there are more mobile Internet users in
China than citizens in the USA.

This position is offered primarily in California, where 40% of the
population are native speakers of a language other than English. Spanish
leads the list by large, followed by Chinese. Then you have all the
people that has learned other languages and are able to use them at

Conclusion: not really a big deal and somewhat expected in a position
like this. Combining a degree in journalism with CSS skills is
definitely more tricky. I wonder whether this is required at all with
the publishing tools available nowadays (including MediaWiki) and the
usual (and laudable) focus on clear content this community has.


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