[Foundation-l] Plea for candidates: WMF Movement Communications Manager

Risker risker.wp at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 19:29:20 UTC 2011

On 15 April 2011 15:17, Sarah <slimvirgin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 13:07, Béria Lima <berialima at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is not a Bias Sarah. Anyone can apply, but they have to know english (if
> not
> > as 1º language as 2º one) and another language (if english is the 1º
> one).
> > If this person is american, chinese, brazilian or african (i imagine)
> that
> > really don't care
> > _____
> > *Béria Lima*
> > <http://wikimedia.pt/> (351) 925 171 484
> It doesn't say that, Béria. It seems to say that, ideally, the
> successful applicant will not have English as a first language, i.e.
> will not be from most of Canada, the United States, Australia, New
> Zealand, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Barbados, Trinidad and
> Tobago, and several more.
> That rules out a huge number of Wikimedians (most, in fact) just
> because of their birthplace and culture.
> The ad says: "Demonstrated ability to work (speak, read, write at a
> professional level) effectively in a language other than English
> (ideally as a native speaker)"
Not quite sure where you're coming from there.  Today I've interacted with
about 60 professional colleagues. They're all Canadians but I'd venture to
guess that at least a third would consider themselves native speakers of at
least one other language.


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