[Foundation-l] Pending Changes development update: September 27

Ryan Lomonaco wiki.ral315 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 28 22:35:08 UTC 2010

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:12 PM, Risker <risker.wp at gmail.com> wrote:

> And even with it just being put forward as a second trial, the support for
> continuing dropped 10% in two weeks.
> You're losing the hearts and minds battle here, guys.
> Risker/Anne

I haven't followed the discussion at all, but I have two statistical
quibbles:  First, characterizing a drop from 65 to 59% as a "10% drop" is
misleading - while (65-59)/65 is 10%, it's really a 6% drop.

Second, A drop from 65% to 59% is not very statistically significant.  It
could very easily be explained if more of the people who voted against the
first time came back for the second vote.  But even if both polls are a
representative sample of the English Wikipedia as a whole, both polls will
have a margin of error of a few percent.

Again, this is just a statistical quibble, and I don't really have an
opinion on the plan as a whole.


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