[Foundation-l] Fwd: Which online communty-building tools work in a crisis?

Samuel Klein meta.sj at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 20:39:17 UTC 2010

Here's some very anecdotal data from people involved in CrisisCamps around
the country about which collaborative tools they'd found useful over the
past couple of weeks.

Wikis: used second-most, after phones; reviewed most positively.



  Subject: [CrisisCamp Coordinators] Quick recap on comms tools so far  Date:
Mon, 25 Jan 2010 08:05:19 -0800  From: Jeremy Johnstone
<jstone at rhok.org><jstone at rhok.org>  To:
crisiscamp-coordinators at googlegroups.com

"Negative" = voted 1 or 2 for the tool
"Positive" = voted 3 or 4 for the tool

 Twitter -- Neg: 11%  /  Pos: 47%
Mailing Lists -- Neg: 12%  /  Pos: 62%
Google Groups -- Neg: 14%  /  Pos: 63%
Atrium -- Neg: 34%  /  Pos: 22%
IRC -- Neg: 26%  /  Pos: 52%
Wiki -- Neg: 13%  /  Pos: 71%
Google Wave -- Neg: 50%  /  Pos: 16%
Phone -- Neg: 17-26%  /  Pos: 48-69%
Skype -- Neg: 10%  /  Pos: 58%

 Will send out more detailed stats later, but wanted to get those numbers
into the hands of decision makers asap.


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