[Foundation-l] Possible project

Ram Rachum cool-rr at cool-rr.com
Fri Apr 30 11:58:13 UTC 2010

Samuel Klein <meta.sj at ...> writes:

> Ram, thanks for sharing your interesting project.
| On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Platonides <Platonides at ...> wrote:
| >
| >> Librelist is a free as in freedom mailing list site for open source
| >> projects. It is a place for FOSS communities to discuss all the things they
| >> want without ads, censorship, signup requirements, bundled apps, or
| >> requirements that you use any particular email client or service.
| Limited to FOSS communities?

I don't think so.

> Platonides is right, it's not clearly part of our current mission -
> though it does facilitate some types of collaboration, mail threads
> are parallel to our notion of talk pages.  There's certainly something
> to be gained from thinking about what our mailing lists provide that
> LiquidThreads* does not, and identifying/supporting efforts to improve
> that channel for conversations.
> (*This is our current concept of threaded discussion in the context of
> directly collaborating on some sort of lasting  knowledge)
> But just as we don't support multiple wiki platforms or mailman
> itself, we aren't generally a project host. Have you talked to the FSF
> about hosting such a service, considering your FOSS focus?
> SJ

Thanks for your opinion. I did not think about the FSF, that's a good idea and I 
will contact them.


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