[Foundation-l] advisory board composition

Eugene Eric Kim eekim at blueoxen.com
Tue Sep 22 18:38:03 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 9:20 AM, phoebe ayers <phoebe.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
> Michael & Angela -- thanks for the information & quick replies. I'd
> forgotten that terms were only supposed to be a year... it would be
> great to have more public information about the
> composition/role/appointments of the advisory board (e.g., what are we
> looking for in advisors?), when those Board discussions do get wrapped
> up. Since strategic planning is also now actively looking for expert
> advisors, it seems like this may overlap with and complement the role
> of the advisory board, at least in the short term.

Bridgespan has been interviewing advisory board members and is in the
process of putting some notes up on the strategy wiki. I've talked to
several individually. And I hope we can get them even more engaged
than that, especially in the public process! (Advisory board members,
can you hear me? :-) )


Eugene Eric Kim ................................ http://xri.net/=eekim
Blue Oxen Associates ........................ http://www.blueoxen.com/

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