[Foundation-l] WMF Office Move
Sue Gardner
sgardner at wikimedia.org
Thu Sep 17 01:17:07 UTC 2009
2009/9/16 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com>:
> 2009/9/17 Daniel Phelps <dphelps at wikimedia.org>:
>> We look forward to the future in our new location and hope that we get
>> a chance to have you all visit us. We will do our best to post photos
>> as we settle in so that people can imagine us all in our new setting.
> This sounds very exciting! Until you get some photos, is this the place?
> http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=149+New+Montgomery+Street,+3rd+Floor,+San+Francisco,+CA+94105&sll=37.786555,-122.399604&sspn=0.008886,0.01929&ie=UTF8&ll=37.786802,-122.399737&spn=0.000278,0.000603&t=h&z=21&layer=c&cbll=37.786802,-122.399737&panoid=o1HKtiN5txSMU7LGzfPPYw&cbp=12,42.53,,0,-8.62
Yes, that's it! We'll try to put some photos on Commons next time we
have access to the space - within a few weeks. The interior has a
nice feel/tone -- it's not tremendously different from what we have
now, just bigger.
George is correct too about the lack of parking. We found ourselves
making a number of tradeoffs (e.g., "car versus public transit": we
are majority public transit people. "Ground floor
open-to-random-passersby versus upper-floor less-porous": we are not
big enough to be open to the general public, with tours and data
displays and so forth.). They were good conversations, about who we
are and how we imagine ourselves both as a group of people, and as an
The neighbourhood is good for us -- it's neutral messaging-wise, it
offers easy public transit access via the BART train system (which
goes to the airport), it's awash in cheap, interesting restaurants,
plus it's very busy, which should equate to safer. Overall, I think
being there will enable us (as Daniel said) to engage more easily with
local people and with visitors :-)
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