[Foundation-l] Office move completed

Samuel J Klein sj at wikimedia.org
Fri Oct 30 19:54:47 UTC 2009

Congratulations to the office, and especially Daniel, on the move -- the new
space feels really comfortable and usable.


> > We can manage to create 3d copies of the globe but we can't manage to fix
> > the logo? For shame ;-)

That's fair.  For those not following the very slow-burning logo drama
(complete with national media attention), there are 4-5 characters that have
been corrected over time, and a question about accents to answer for the

A corrected version was used to make the 2.5D logo in those pics; we should
update the official logo as well.  (from that it would seem the casual
consensus is: no accents, and each character is indeed meant to represent
'W' in the language in question, where possible)  Is this already underway?

Jon Harald Søby writes:

> Oh, that one looks awesome. Merchandise idea - having that 3D logo as a
> wall
> lamp would be legen(wait for it)dary. ;-)

You are so very, very right.  In the Taipei version, the lampshade would
rotate through a neat cut in the wall.


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