[Foundation-l] Proposal: Fan History joining the WMF family

Erik Zachte erikzachte at infodisiac.com
Thu Nov 19 16:36:04 UTC 2009

Jon Davis:
> Meta already has a propsosal for a "Wikitainment" 
> (  <http://wmf4.me/EFf2D> http://wmf4.me/EFf2D ) which goes to show that
the WMF
> community wants something like this.  
11 people signed the proposal out of roughly 1 million 
who contributed to the projects over the years, or out of 
10,000 recently very active editors, whatever you prefer.
It is a while ago I saw someone bending the facts like you do.
Please do not claim the silent majority is on your side.
Erik Zachte


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