[Foundation-l] Minors and sexual explicit stuff

Gregory Kohs thekohser at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 19:33:57 UTC 2009

To Boonen & Moran:

Thank you for confirming your opinion that the Foundation cannot and
should not find within its means to even formulate some
recommendations and guidelines to help steer the activities of
children on Wikimedia projects, because that is something that parents
alone should be doing on a case-by-case basis.

I also thank you for not providing any links to anything that the
Foundation has already outlined regarding appropriate and adequate
measures that are supposedly "in place" on Foundation projects.

Thank you also for saying that Wikipedia is not there to attract
children, so we can take what Jimmy Wales said in October 2005
("Frankly, and let me be blunt, Wikipedia as a readable product is not
for us. It's for them. It's for that girl in Africa...") and tell the
little girl to go cry to her mommy.

Oh, and your consideration of the audience of the Disney website is
not supported in fact:


Some 82% of the visitors to Disney.com are over the age of 18.  And
56% do not have kids.  But, don't let data get in the way of your
opinion, if it's just easier to shoot down painfully clear arguments
as "strawmen".  (Is "strawman" the new "troll"?)

Gregory Kohs

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