[Foundation-l] How was the "only people who averaged two edits a week in the last six months can vote" rule decided?

phoebe ayers phoebe.wiki at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 20:45:38 UTC 2009

Dear everyone,
As a reminder, we also discussed suffrage requirements on this list last year:

As a response to concerns over the proposed requirement that there be
50 edits between April and June before the election, this period was
lengthened to January to June, and now here we are.


On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Philippe
Beaudette<pbeaudette at wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Allow me, please, to reinforce this, wearing my "election committee
> member" hat.
> This years' rules were mostly carryovers from last years' rules.  When
> we started, we looked around, realized that no significant opposition
> to last years' rules had been expressed, checked the talk pages to be
> sure, and modified the rules to cover anything we thought needed to be
> changed (for instance, this year we were able to use edits from across
> wikis, using SUL - which was one of the points of opposition that was
> raised last year, but there was not a technically feasible method to
> do it at the time).
> I'm sure that if there is significant response to the edit count
> requirement, next year's committee will happily (he said confidently,
> with no intent to volunteer for next year's committee) review it then.
> Philippe
> On Jul 31, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Kwan Ting Chan wrote:
>> And from experience, I can tell you the reality of establishing the
>> rules work by starting from last year, and updating or modifying
>> based on feedbacks. And that mean, given no strong community
>> consensus to change our present form of requiring some form of edit
>> requirement, having that requirement.
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