[Foundation-l] About that "sue and be damned" to the National Portrait Gallery ...

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 00:25:00 UTC 2009

2009/7/11 George Herbert <george.herbert at gmail.com>:
> Technically, the user could just ignore this - a lawsuit in a UK court
> without relevant jurisdiction, under US law as applies, can be
> ignored.  A default judgement against him might be entered, however,
> and that might make future travel to Europe difficult.

Would they stop you at the airport to enforce a civil judgement?
Criminal, certainly, but I'm not sure about civil.

> One might suggest attempting to get criminal charges for barratry
> brought in the users' home jurisdiction in the US, but that is
> probably a stretch.

They have only threatened to sue him once and the case isn't entirely
without merit (I don't think the matter has ever actually been
determined in UK case law), so I don't see that going anywhere.

> I hope someone's made sure Mike is aware... ?

I will.

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