[Foundation-l] mo.wikipedia is not yet renamed to mo-cyrill as it was promised !!

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 21:44:49 UTC 2009

If there is one thing I've learned so far in my short life, it is that
patience is among the greatest virtues and that politeness will
usually get me much further than demands.

There are of course situations where it is necessary to be firm,
however this is not one of them considering the power dynamic. If I
want a developer to do something for me, the last thing I will do is
demand they do it (mind you it's been several years since I asked
anything of them as far as I can remember). It's certainly possible
that they will forget about my request so I may remind them from time
to time, but it's essential to recognize that they are very busy
people, an already-locked Wikipedia with only several hundred articles
is understandably going to be much lower on their list of priorities
than problems involving the heavy traffic Wikis such as en.wp or

I'm not suggesting that anybody ignore the issue, just that a
different approach be taken to resolution.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 1:14 PM, geni<geniice at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/7/10 John Doe <phoenixoverride at gmail.com>:
>> Cetateanu Im going to be nice in how I say this, DO NOT DEMAND things from
>> developers. If dev says they are not ready THEY ARE NOT READY. please also
>> consider that these developers run one of the top ten websites on the
>> internet, so they must be doing it right for the most part or the servers
>> would be a smoking pile of rubble. There are a lot more complex and unseen
>> factors that exist on large scale server arrays such as wikimedia's than
>> what your recommending. If either of your ideas where feasible with the
>> current system it would have been taken care of. Here is a suggestion, LET
>> THE DEVELOPERS DEVELOP a good way to implement your request without breaking
>> things
> Given the current time over which the request has been ongoing and the
> politics involved (remeber they only stopped shooting each other
> 17years ago) I think it is understandable if people are not entirely
> prepared to sit back and hope the devs get on with it.
> --
> geni
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