[Foundation-l] dumps

Brian Brian.Mingus at colorado.edu
Wed Feb 25 04:26:18 UTC 2009

Why not make the uncompressed dump available as an Amazon Public
Dataset? http://aws.amazon.com/publicdatasets/

You can already find DBPedia and FreeBase there. Its true that the
uncompressed dump won't fit on a commercial drive (the largest is a
4-platter 500GB = 2TB drive). Cloud computing seems to be the most
economically feasible alternative for all parties involved.

"Typically the data sets in the repository are between 1 GB to 1 TB in
size (based on the Amazon EBS volume limit), but we can work with you
to host larger data sets as well. You must have the right to make the
data freely available."

Clearly a boon!

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 5:49 AM, River Tarnell
<river at loreley.flyingparchment.org.uk> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> hi,
> currently the dump process is a bit broken.  what is the Foundation's position
> on this?  why are developer resources allocated to put the server admin log on
> twitter, but no one has touched dumps in months?  is there not enough money to
> fund this?  how much more is needed?
> (for an example of a problem, there is *no* successful enwiki dump at all on
> download.wikimedia.org--the last 5 dumps, going back to 2008-03-12, all
> failed.)
>        - river.
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