[Foundation-l] status of the licensing update

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 13:30:35 UTC 2009

2009/2/20 Henning Schlottmann <h.schlottmann at gmx.net>:
> * Ditch the dual licensing. I don't understand it. I am trained as a
> lawyer to understand about licenses and I have not the slightest idea
> how the dual licensing is supposed to work. No one I talked to -
> layperson or professional - understood about it. Make a hard switch, as
> GFDL 1.3 allows. If RMS doesn't like it, too bad.

As I understand it, the WMF made an agreement with RMS that the
projects would be dual licensed and not switched entirely. I think
making that agreement was a mistake, but there's not much that can be
done about it now. The WMF shouldn't go back on its word.

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