[Foundation-l] mirroring a portion of the wikipedia

basedrop basedrop at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 23:36:03 UTC 2009

I'm not sure if this is the place to pose this question,  if not could you
respond with the proper place.  

 I'm building out a social networking site centered around an "art" and
"arthistory" theme.  I would like to display a real time dynamic version of
the arthistory section of the wikipedia at my domain.  I would like for my
users to be able to edit this section at my domain.   My domain is
arthistory.com.   I am hoping to be able to provide a lot of acedemic and
specialty users to this section via my site.   I think we could both benefit
from this relationship.  My users have direct access to the arthistory
section of wikipedia,  the wikipedia gets access to my users who are experts
in the field.    I understand you can get a feed of the wikipedia, and also
a database dump,  but I'm looking for a more real time and dynamic
connection  (without just putting the wikipedia in an iframe.)   I'd also
prefer if I could use openID or some way of repurposing my user's
registration to duel register with my site and with wikipedia, and create a
login session for both simultaneously.

I'm in the development stage so right now my efforts are exploratory.  Thank
you for your time. 


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