[Foundation-l] Steward elections: summary, week one

Ting Chen wing.philopp at gmx.de
Mon Feb 9 21:19:56 UTC 2009

geni wrote:
> 2009/2/9 Ziko van Dijk <zvandijk at googlemail.com>:
>> If I understand it right, Wikimedia or other stewards can trace what a
>> single steward is doing. Even if a dictatorship forces a local steward to do
>> something, there is the danger that this becomes public.
>> Ziko
> Thats the danger for a western government. In the case of the Iranian
> one I doubt it would be too worried.

If there's any sign that a steward had misused his previlege, for what 
ever reason, he would instantly lost that previlege.


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