[Foundation-l] Raw data of 2009 Board election ballots

Svip svippy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 15:20:39 UTC 2009

2009/8/26 Anthony <wikimail at inbox.org>:
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Tim Starling <tstarling at wikimedia.org>wrote:
>> Let me say for the record that I'm not at all happy with this data
>> being released, since it allows vote-buying.
> What's wrong with vote-buying?  It's no worse than seat-buying.

I am not sure I understand the logic in this comment.

If something is bad; then it doesn't matter if something else is
equally bad?  And we shouldn't bother fighting either one unless we
can fight both?

Makes little sense to me.

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