[Foundation-l] New projects opened
Gerard Meijssen
gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 07:14:14 UTC 2009
One of the reasons why Danish has been sluggish may be that the localisation
of Danish was not optimal; in Februari 83.66% of the MediaWiki messages and
14.11% of the WMF used extensions were localised. This has improved to
100.00% and 59.30% respectively ... compare this with Norwegian 100.00%
96.92% Nynorsk 100.00% 84.81% and Swedish 100.00% 99.33%..
2009/8/20 Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se>
> Andrew Gray wrote:
> > For those curious as to overall statistics, that's about 270 language
> > editions of Wikipedia, now. (The various lists seem to disagree
> > slightly, and it's a little lower if we omit two "empty" projects).
> I think we need to get away from counting articles and languages,
> as if all were equal and more were better. Some languages are far
> more successful than others. Some articles are far more useful
> than others. Perhaps some languages and articles should be
> considered as failures and not be counted among our achievements.
> Of these 270 languages of Wikipedia, only 41 have more than 50,000
> articles and only 69 had more than 1 million page views in July of
> 2009. The 69th most used Wikipedia is Swahili. This East African
> language has 50 million speakers, which is huge, but less than
> 13,000 Wikipedia articles. Can poverty and illiteracy alone
> explain why the Swahili Wikipedia is so far behind?
> But Swahili is far from the worst. Swahili has twice as many
> speakers as the West African language Yoruba (50 vs 25 M, both are
> huge languages) and twice the number of articles (13 k vs 6.3 k),
> but the Swahili Wikipedia had 6 times as many page views (1.0 M vs
> 172 k). Somebody with knowledge of Africa should study this in
> more detail. For the speakers of these languages, in which
> proportions do they read (newspapers) or listen (to radio
> broadcasts) to get news and knowledge? Do they ever use (printed)
> encyclopedias?
> People who speak Swedish, Danish, Finnish and Norwegian are very
> similar in wealth, education, living conditions, and computer
> literacy. Yet, the Danish Wikipedia is far smaller and less
> visited than the other three. How can that be? Traditionally,
> Danish is the more literate of these four cultures. If we can find
> out what holds the Danish Wikipedia back, and find a remedy,
> perhaps it can be applied to other languages as well.
> Language Danish Norwegian Swedish Finnish
> (Bokmål)
> Speakers 6 M 4.7 M 9 M 6 M
> Size rank 102 111 78 103
> Wikipedia
> articles 114 k 225 k 325 k 213 k
> Size rank 23 13 11 14
> July 2009
> page views 14.7 M 21.5 M 59.8 M 49.7 M
> Traffic rank 25 23 12 14
> Annual growth +18 % +11 % +19 % +2 %
> Views/speakers 2.4 4.6 6.6 8.3
> Articles/spkr .019 .047 .036 .036
> Spkrs/article 53 21 28 28
> Length of article on Michael Jackson
> before his death 18 kB 20 kB 41 kB 20 kB
> Current length 70 kB 26 kB 60 kB 44 kB
> Views in July 72 k 58 k 175 k 136 k
> Views/speaker .012 .012 .019 .022
> When compared to Swahili or Yoruba, all of these North European
> languages of Wikipedia have been very successful, having more page
> views in a month than speakers of the language, and much higher
> traffic rank (12-25) than language size rank (78-111). But the
> interesting aspect is the differences within such a group, that
> presumably should have been even more homogeneous.
> The German language has 105 M speakers, 942 k Wikipedia articles,
> and 846 M page views in July 2009, i.e. 8.0 views/speaker (as high
> as Finnish), but only .009 articles per speaker of the language
> (half of Danish). The German Wikipedia is generally considered to
> be successful, yet it has a low number of articles per speaker of
> the language. So maybe articles/speaker is a useless metric.
> If the Finnish Wikipedia can get 8.3 page views per speaker of the
> language with only 213 k articles, then perhaps their articles are
> better (more informative, more useful) than the larger number of
> articles in the Swedish Wikipedia, which only attract 6.6 page
> views per speaker of the language.
> The German article on Michael Jackson got 2.1 M page views during
> July, or .020 per speaker of the language, similar to the Swedish
> and Finnish Wikipedia articles. Why did the Danish and Norwegian
> articles get only 12 page views per thousand speakers?
> --
> Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
> Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se
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