[Foundation-l] Wiktionary logo competition makes b3ta

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 17:18:03 UTC 2009

2009/8/14 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <cimonavaro at gmail.com>:
> David Gerard wrote:

>> Our logo competitions have landed us such excellent trademarks as the
>> puzzle globe, the WMF logo and the MediaWiki flower. But most entries
>> are an excellent demonstration of why graphic designers are paid
>> money.

> Sigh. Of course you know, Bob, the MediaWiki flower isn't
> a trademark or anything remotely of the sort "owned" or
> even claimed in other than authorship fashion by anyone.

You're probably wrong there, actually - even if the MediaWiki flower
isn't a registered trademark, it could probably be quite well defended
by use as a trademark. Slippery thing, law.

- d.

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