[Foundation-l] Board election spamming

Kwan Ting Chan ktc at ktchan.info
Sat Aug 8 20:09:14 UTC 2009

Pavlo Shevelo wrote:
>> The list of users who have voted is available at
>> https://wikimedia.spi-inc.org/index.php/Special:SecurePoll/list/17
> Some names/nicks there appeared crossed (by horizontal  line).
> Would somebody please explain what does it mean?

Those that are grey out (or at least slightly lighter colour that one 
can barely see the difference of) are votes that have been superseded by 
a later vote from the same account. The last vote cast is the one that's 

The crossed off votes are votes that have been manually struck off by 
the election committee. For example when the same person have voted from 
multiple accounts.


Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
     - Heinrich Heine
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