[Foundation-l] new LSS & a plea for news

phoebe ayers phoebe.wiki at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 21:09:03 UTC 2009

Dear foundation-l,

1) summaries for March are posted:
2) please, if you have some sort of community news (a big chapter or
meetup group event? goings-on on your wiki? some proposal on meta we
should all know about?) don't forget to post it to the mailing list,
or at least to the appropriate project list. The people who write for
Wikizine, the Signpost, and the other community newsletters would all
appreciate it :) and personally, I love seeing what is going on with
the various projects.

-- phoebe

* I use this address for lists; send personal messages to phoebe.ayers
<at> gmail.com *

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