Geen onderwerp

Sat Oct 4 14:55:08 UTC 2008

minutes approved only on the next board meeting. In practice that means a
delay of several months. In a quickly changing world as ours, that is quite
a long time span.

Would it be possible to decrease this time span somehow, and approve the
minutes on an earlier moment? In that way, the volunteers can be kept more
up to date, the board would work more transparently and better ways to
interact and react on decisions made. Because if minutes are published
months afterwards, the motivation to read them and react on it is obviously
much lower then when they actually still have a direct meaning and are more
or less recent. Besides that, if the community has imput on the decisions
made, they could give it, and it could be discussed in that next board
meeting, and not only the one after that (delay 6 months).

I sincerely hope the board will find a way to publish the minutes within,
say, two weeks to a month :)

Best regards,


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