[Foundation-l] Designs and other fundraiser updates

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 12:02:15 UTC 2008

> 1) The slogan "Wikipedia is a non-profit" sounds weird to me.
> Technically, Wikipedia is not "'a" non-profit (which in my English as
> a second language view of the world, means organisations) . However,
> Wikipedia is non-profi, ie. the project is not meant for profit.
> Maybe that doesn't work in English, I don't know. I suppose that the
> site notice is going to be translated, so maybe make sure that the
> translation makes sense rather than reflects the English text. Also,
> in many languages (well, at least in French) non-profit is a huge set
> of words. We might want to "localize" the slogans rather than just
> "translate them".

The same applies to English. "non-profit" is short for "non-profit
organisation", which Wikipedia isn't. "Wikipedia is not for profit"
might be better.

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