[Foundation-l] Signal languages Wikimedia projects

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 00:44:01 UTC 2008

> But SignWriting is not sign-language: Many people who are deaf and use
> ASL (and, I presume, other forms of sign language) are unaware of and
> have no interest in SignWriting as being deaf does not result in an
> inherit inability to communicate using more common written languages.
> As far as I am aware SignWriting characters do not occur in any
> standard character see, further complicating use.  I have no
> opposition to supporting SignWriting, but Wikis in SignWritten
> signlanguage probably should be regarded as any other conlang projects
> are, and certainly not regarded as an accessibility effort.

This is my concern as well. From what I can tell, SignWriting is not
very widely used (I stand ready to be corrected if people can supply
evidence to the contrary), and is almost certainly not used as the
sole (or even primary) form of written communication for anyone. It
seems to me that SignWriting is a very useful tool for learning and
teaching sign language, but that's about it.

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