[Foundation-l] Community Assembly

Andrew Gray shimgray at gmail.com
Tue May 13 11:58:19 UTC 2008

2008/5/13 Andrew Gray <shimgray at gmail.com>:

> The astute reader will, by now, have noticed a certain similarity
> between these approaches. If it wasn't working the first time, simply
> naming it "governance" won't make it work better the second time...

I omitted to include a conclusion here. Ooops.

What we need to do is to actually figure out what governing *needs*
done - what issues aren't getting decided now that need thrashed out?
- and then work out why it is our existing structures don't let us do

Simply arguing over which new theoretical structure we should install
on top of what we already have is doomed to failure, because we're
arguing in a vacuum...

- Andrew Gray
 andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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